Online tools for Hotel Guests

Contrary to the common belief  in the hotel business, this is not the manager who is the most important person in the hotel. It is the Guest, and his/her satisfaction should be the key element of the hotel business. High quality service gained importance especially within last few years, along with Internet development and possibilities which go with it. Today Hotel Guests can share their observations and opinions very easily in the social media, special opinion-forming services or blogs. Number of such places constantly increases.

Guest’s opinion and his/her impression after the stay at the hotel is a strategic point in the hotel quality control.

Good news spread fast, bad opinions spread faster. Therefor hotels invest in tools, that allow on increasing and keeping high level of Guests’ satisfaction. Modern online tools allow on automation of Guest’s contact with the hotel from the moment of his first entry on the website, offer presentation, effective booking process, care over the Guest at the hotel during his/her stay, to contact after his/her leaving. Thanks to currently accessible online tools and facts that most Guests use the Internet, computers and mobile devices, the true revolution followed in the level of Guests’ service and contact with them.

  • fa-desktop
    Clear Hotel Website
    Comfortable, easily accessible information on the Hotel and its offer guarantee "positive first impression".
  • fa-globe
    Prices and Offers
    Hotel guest sees the prices and availability of rooms, packages and special offers.
  • fa-usd
    Easy Booking and Payment
    Hotel guest quickly checks the prices and can choose the offer in just 3 minutes, make a money transfer and receive confirmation by email.
  • fa-car
    Opinions, Newsletters
    After departure the Guest receives thanks for the stay, request for opinion as well as special offers and current events at the hotel Newsletter.



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