Hotel PMS

Future of online technology depends on the possibility of connecting many systems into one, where one can manage information which then are automatically exported to the next systems – already without necessity of updating them manually. 

Connecting the hotel PMS system with online booking engine. 

HotelSystems online booking engine can be connected with PMS systems, thanks to it bookings made on the website can automatically appear in the hotel system. Simultaneously, bi-directional action allows on data export of hotel rooms sold by the hotel directly to online booking engine – thereby blocking sold rooms, and avoiding the risk of a mistake. 

Channel Manager

HotelSystems online booking engine may be connected with any number of online portals all over the world through the Channel Manager tool. Adding a room as available or blocking the room in HotelSystems or PMS system automatically opens or blocks that room in all connected portals. What is more – selling the room through any portal automatically blocks its availability in other portals and in booking engine on the website.

Connection of online booking engine with sale portals worldwide – available now.

Opening or closing room availability on every possible portal separately always took too much time. Thanks to the Channel Manager the update of offers happens automatically online, 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year - generating huge savings of time and money, really limiting the possibilities of mistakes or overbooking. 

Social Media

Adding new stay packages to the HotelSystems booking engine automatically exports these offers e.g. to Facebook, influencing the behavior of potential hotel Guests. Offers are added / edited / exported fully automatically – along with full texts, pictures, prices and availability. 

Social Media is Facebook, but also Trip Advisor, Hotel-Blog, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter.

More and more attention is drawn to the Social Media channels and its effects in hotel marketing. Social Media is now not only a Facebook account with news, but also hotel blog, videos on YouTube channel, pictures on Instagram or Twitter account and opinions on Trip Advisor. Each channel of contact with guests has unbelievably great ratio on narrowing the relations, but mainly really extends online sale possibilities - these activities may be run independently however HotelSystems offers you help in such campaigns.

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